Difference Between Facilitated Diffusion And Active Transport

The main difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport is the difference in their energy requirements and the direction of movement across the membrane. Facilitated diffusion is a passive process that requires no energy input, while Active transport requires energy, typically in form of ATP.

image showing Difference Between Facilitated Diffusion And Active Transport

Facilitated diffsuion allows movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration, while Active transport moves molecules from low concentration to high concentrration.

Facilitated Diffusion vz Active Transport

Here’s a comparison table between facilitated diffusion and active transport:

FeatureFacilitated DiffusionActive Transport
DefinitionPassive movement of molecules across a membraneActive movement of molecules against a concentration gradient
Energy RequirementNo energy input requiredEnergy (ATP) is required
Transport ProteinsUtilizes specific transport proteinsUtilizes specific transport proteins
Movement DirectionMoves molecules along the concentration gradientMoves molecules against the concentration gradient
SpecificitySpecific transport proteins are required for each moleculeSpecific transport proteins are required for each molecule
Saturation EffectExhibits saturation effect where transport rate plateausCan continue against concentration gradient, no saturation
Rate of TransportLimited by the number of available transport proteinsCan transport molecules at a faster rate
ExamplesGlucose transport through GLUT proteinsSodium-potassium pump

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Difference Between Facilitated Diffusion and Simple Diffusion

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