Tea Bag Diffusion Experiment in Hot Water

Tea Bag Diffusion in Hot Water

In this experiment, we will discuss tea brewing and observe firsthand how tea leaves uses diffusion to release their essence and color into the surrounding water.


To observe and understand how tea leaves diffuse in hot water to make tea.


  • Tea bag
  • Hot water
  • Mug or cup
  • Spoon
  • Timer or stopwatch


  1. Boil some water in a kettle or pot until it’s hot.
  2. Place a tea bag in a mug or cup.
  3. Pour the hot water into the mug, covering the tea bag completely.
  4. Use a spoon to gently press the tea bag against the side of the mug to help release the flavor.
  5. Start the timer or stopwatch.
  6. Let the tea bag sit in the hot water for about 3-5 minutes. This allows the tea leaves to diffuse into the water, creating tea.
  7. While waiting, you can observe any changes happening to the water and the tea bag.
  8. After the time is up, remove the tea bag from the water using a spoon.
  9. Optionally, you can add milk, sugar, or any other desired ingredients to your tea.
  10. Stir the tea well and then taste it to see how strong the flavor is.
  11. If it’s too strong, you can add more hot water. If it’s too weak, you can let the tea bag steep for a bit longer.


  • As soon as the hot water is poured into the mug, the tea bag starts to float and expand slightly.
  • The water begins to change color around the tea bag, initially appearing light yellow or orange, depending on the tea type.
  • Over time, the color deepens and spreads throughout the water gradually.
  • You might observe tiny bubbles forming around the tea bag as air trapped inside escapes due to the hot water.
  • If you gently squeeze the tea bag with a spoon, a burst of color might be released into the water, indicating the release of concentrated tea solution.
  • After removing the tea bag, the water should be a consistent color representing the brewed tea’s strength.


Through this experiment, you can observe how tea leaves diffuse in hot water to create tea. The hot water helps release the flavors and colors from the tea leaves, resulting in a flavorful beverage. This process is called diffusion, where particles (in this case, tea molecules) move from an area of high concentration (inside the tea bag) to an area of low concentration (the hot water) until they are evenly distributed. Understanding this process helps us appreciate the science behind brewing tea and enjoying a comforting drink.

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