Food Coloring Diffusion Experiment in Water

Food Coloring Diffusion in Water

In this experiment, we’re going to see how colors spread in water. We’ll use food coloring to make the water colorful. This helps us understand diffusion, which is when things spread out equally.


To observe and understand the process of diffusion using food coloring and water.


  1. Clear glass or plastic container
  2. Water
  3. Food coloring (any color)
  4. Stirring rod or spoon
  5. Stopwatch or timer


  1. Fill the clear container with water to about three-quarters full.
  2. Select a food coloring of your choice and carefully add a few drops to the water.
  3. Allow the food coloring drops to sink to the bottom of the container without stirring.
  4. Once the drops have settled at the bottom, start the stopwatch or timer.
  5. Observe and record the changes in the water’s color over time. Note any patterns or movements you see.
  6. Gently stir the water with a stirring rod or spoon after a few minutes to observe any differences in the diffusion process.
  7. Continue observing and recording for at least 10-15 minutes or until you notice a significant change in the water’s color.
  8. Once you have finished the experiment, clean up any spills and dispose of the colored water properly.


  1. Initially, the food coloring drops sink to the bottom of the container.
  2. Over time, the color from the food coloring starts to spread throughout the water.
  3. The diffusion process causes the water to gradually change color, with the intensity of the color becoming more uniform as time passes.
  4. Stirring the water may accelerate the diffusion process, resulting in a more rapid spread of color.


The experiment demonstrates the process of diffusion, where food coloring molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until they are evenly distributed.

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